October 28, 2017

Can You Save My Tooth With a Root Canal?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_khokhar @ 8:54 pm

woman with mouth painHealthy, beautiful teeth can make your life fuller and happier, but sometimes those precious little chompers of yours can run into trouble. When one of your teeth starts to feel pain, you should make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Don’t let the fear of getting a root canal in Hackettstown hold you back — this treatment may be able to relieve your pain. It could even save your tooth from an extraction. How do you know if you may need a root canal?

Signs that a Tooth Is in Trouble

Root canals become necessary with an infection or other damage sneaks its way into the innermost part of the tooth — the pulp, which is also where your tooth’s nerve is. The following symptoms are big indicators that you might need a root canal from a “dentist near me:”

  • You experience serious pain when any pressure is put on the tooth.
  • The tooth is significantly darker than the ones around it.
  • There is a small, pimple-like bump on your gums.
  • There is tenderness or swelling around a tooth.

If it seems like one of your teeth is in distress, don’t hesitate to call your dentist. It is important to get prompt treatment because if an infection goes on too long without being treated, it can damage the tooth to the point where a root canal will no longer be able to save it. You may need an extraction.

How Can a Root Canal Save the Tooth?

During a root canal, your dentist will create a tiny hole in your tooth and use specialized tools to remove the nerve that is causing you pain. They’ll also carefully clean out the damaged area. Once that is done, the infection has been stopped in its tracks. It can’t hurt your tooth anymore.

However, a root canal will leave your tooth weaker than it was before. That’s why your dentist will place a sturdy crown over it to protect it against further damage.

It’s worth the effort to save your tooth! Gaps in your smile can lead to oral health problems and difficulty enjoying your favorite foods. Plus, a root canal treatment isn’t as painful as all the hype may claim. Your dentist can make sure you’re comfortable throughout the process.

How Much Does It Cost?

Your dental insurance may very well cover at least part of the cost of your root canal treatment, so be sure to check your policy to find out what percentage they’ll pay.

If you don’t have dental coverage, you can expect to pay several hundred dollars or more. The price will depend on your dentist, the extent of the damage to the tooth, and whether the tooth has had a previous root canal. A simple extraction generally costs less, but if you choose that option, it’s wise to keep you mind that you’ll still have to pay to get a replacement tooth in the future.

Tooth trouble? A root canal may be able to keep that pearly white where it belongs — in your mouth!

About Skylands Dental

Drs. Arindam Kakkar and Zahir A. Khokhar love working with their patients to help them have healthy, strong smiles. If one of your teeth is in pain, our expert team would be pleased to help! You can contact our office at 908-850-0005.

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